
Innovative Ultrasound Technology for Skin Tightening

Treat Fine Lines and Wrinkles and Create a Smoother Complexion

What Is Sofwave?

Sofwave is a no-downtime ultrasound treatment that can significantly improve skin laxity in all skin types in as little as a single treatment.  

Sofwave treatments result in: 

  • Fewer and less defined fine lines and wrinkles. 
  • Lifting the eyebrows.
  • Tightening skin around the jawline.  
  • Lifting sagging on the neck. 

How Does Sofwave Work?

Sofwave uses a unique ultrasound technology that generates heat 1.5 mm in the mid-dermis, the ideal depth for tightening, while the outer layer of skin remains protected. The emitted energy is converted to heat, causing a healing response in the treatment areas. As a result, collagen in the skin is replenished, which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as create a smoother and tighter skin complexion.  

Sofwave also features an integrated cooling mechanism that protects the outer layer of the skin during treatment, making it safe for all skin types. 


What Will the Procedure Feel Like?

During the treatment, the energy warms the underlying tissue. Sofwave is a stronger, deeper heat sensation. Topical numbing cream will be applied before treatment.  

Pre-Treatment Instructions

  • Daily use of a sunscreen with SPF 30 and zinc oxide as an active ingredient is recommended. 
  • If you have a history of cold sores, be sure to notify your provider prior to the procedure and he or she will provide a medication that can reduce the likelihood of a breakout. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Will I Be Like Afterwards? 

The skin may appear flushed for a few hours after the treatment. Some patients note an immediate improvement, although this usually dissipates within 24-48 hours, as the true results take months to achieve. You can apply makeup and sunscreen immediately after the treatment and return to normal activities. 

How Many Treatments Are Needed? 

Sofwave typically requires one to two treatments spaced three months apart and then one maintenance treatment annually.  

What Results Can I Expect? 

One can expect an increase in the skin’s tightness and an improvement in the overall texture and smoothing of the skin. The results will develop gradually as the collagen remodeling process occurs over a period of six months. 

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Sofwave? 

Sofwave is well suited for patients with mild to moderate skin laxity of the face and neck. Someone who is in poor health, smokes or has excessive sun damage may not be a good candidate. 

Before & After Sofwave

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sofwave before smile and skin


Photo courtesy of Smile & Skin Aesthetics

sofwave after smile and skin


Photo courtesy of Smile & Skin Aesthetics

sofwave before roy geronemus


Photo courtesy of Roy Geronemus, MD

sofwave after roy geronemus


Photo courtesy of Roy Geronemus, MD

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Photo courtesy of Saddleback Dermatology Laser + Cosmetic Center

sofwave after saddleback derm


Photo courtesy of Saddleback Dermatology Laser + Cosmetic Center

sofwave before virginia benitez


Photo courtesy of Dr. Virginia Benitez, MD

sofwave after virginia benitez


Photo courtesy of Dr. Virginia Benitez, MD

To learn more about Sofwave, call or schedule online today!

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