What Equipment is Used?
A small surgical blade is gently brushed along the surface of the face in fine small strokes.
What Will the Procedure Feel Like?
Dermaplaning is not painful. It is a relaxing treatment that feels like a credit card being slowly drawn across the skin.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What Will I Look Like Afterwards?
Your skin will feel smooth and usually looks bright and refreshed. Mild flushing and possible fine scratch marks may be visible post treatment and usually resolve within one to two days. You may experience some mild dryness and slight sensitivity for one to two days after the treatment.
- How Many Treatments are Necessary?
A series of treatments are recommended to start (four to six treatments), spaced two to four weeks apart to achieve the best results and four to six weeks apart for maintenance. During your first treatment you will meet with your provider. At that time, a treatment plan will be discussed.
Results will vary per patient and realistic expectations will be discussed during your first treatment. Having a good at home regimen will help attain optimum results. In addition, smoking, excessive alcohol and excessive sun exposure will limit results.
- Who Cannot Have the Treatment?
Dermaplaning is safe for all skin types and colors. Patients who have taken Isotretinoin (Accutane) within the previous six months cannot have this treatment.