Laser photorejuvenation uses pulsed light to treat a variety of skin issues and remove the effects of photoaging.
Stellar M22 IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment offers fantastic results with a variety of skin concerns such as age and sunspots, freckles, birthmarks, rosacea and broken capillaries. The IPL technology allows treatment of pigmentation and vascular imperfections, while improving overall skin appearance.
The Cutera excel V is the first laser to feature two ultra-precise wavelengths (532/1064 nm) and three unique operating modes to treat a wide range of vascular lesions, pigmentary issues and other skin concerns safely and effectively. The excel V specifically helps with rosacea, redness, facial veins, angiomas, port wine stains, poikiloderma, venous malformations, bruising, benign pigmented lesions, and age spots.
Click below for full post-treatment instructions.
Mild swelling and redness can be expected immediately following treatment and usually resolves after two or three days. Some patients may also develop bruising which can take up to a week to resolve. Pigmented lesions darken after treatment and develop a “peppering” appearance before sloughing away in about one to two weeks. There is minimal “social downtime” which means most people feel comfortable returning to work and normal actives immediately after the treatment, but often avoid major social events. It is recommended that gentle skincare products are used for the first five to seven days following the treatment. A sunscreen with at least 30 SPF and zinc oxide as an active ingredient should be used daily.
Patients note a decrease in red and brown discoloration and an improvement in skin tone including smoother, brighter skin. Most patients report the largest percentage improvement after the first treatment, as there is the largest target present for the laser. Maintenance treatments are recommended, typically once or twice a year.
We recommend a series of three to five treatments scheduled four to six weeks apart. Maintenance treatments are then recommended as needed, typically once a year.
Patients who have taken isotretinoin (Accutane) within the previous 12 months or are currently pregnant cannot have the treatment. Patients who have a history of radiation treatments, collagen/vascular diseases or autoimmune disease may not respond as well. In addition, smoking, excessive alcohol and excessive sun exposure limit results.