Our team utilizes the VISIA complexion analysis system to perform thorough skin consultations. This analysis is beneficial to all patients, to get a close-up view of what’s going on the surface of the skin as well as beneath.
VISIA imaging captures key visual information for eight areas affecting complexion health and appearance: spots, pores, wrinkles, texture, porphyrins (evidence of bacteria in pores), UV spots (characteristic of photo damage, typically from overexposure to sun), red areas and brown spots. The VISIA will assign a percentile ranking to each category based on results which will show us which areas the patient can improve.
A VISIA analysis can be repeated as often as desired, and results can be compared to previous sessions to analyze improvement.
How Long Will Treatment Take?
A full consult can be performed in 20 minutes.
What If I Rank Low in Certain Categories?
If there are certain areas where the score is lower, this shows us where there is room for improvement! Our aesthetician can recommend specific skin care treatments and products to help improve your skin health, focusing on specific categories. For example, if you score lower in UV damage, an antioxidant serum and a proper SPF may be recommended, along with skin care treatments to increase cell turnover.