Age Spots

Our team offers a wide variety of treatments to improve the appearance of age spots.


What are age spots?

Age spots can occur when skin is exposed to the sun, as it causes an increase in the production of cells known as melanocytes that increase melanin in the skin, thus turning the skin darker. These dark skin patches are known as age spots, brown spots, dark spots, sunspots and liver spots. Age spots generally appear on exposed skin areas like the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and hands.   
There are three distinct types of acne, ranging from mild to severe: 

  • Comedonal acne is the mildest form of acne, and is predominated by white heads (closed comedones) and blackheads (open comedones). 
  • Inflammatory acne is a moderately severe form of acne that consists of pink bumps (papules) and pustules (pink bumps with white pus). 
  • Cystic acne is the most severe form of acne, and results in large, painful, swollen, deep red bumps that may heal with scarring. 

What Causes Age Spots?

Some of the main causes and factors of age spots are: 


Sun exposure


Aging & genetics






Vitamin deficiencies


Weak liver functioning

How Are Age Spots Treated?

Our team offers many treatments which can help improve pigmented age spots. Schedule your consultation with one of our providers to see which treatment is right for you. 

To learn more about age spots treatment options, call or schedule online today!

Service Locations:

Millennium Park, (312) 263-4625

Bourbonnais Office, (815) 933-2227

Make an Appointment